Home Embassy Spanish Embassy in Tokyo
Spanish Embassy in Tokyo Japan is a strong bond of communication between Spain Government and Japan.
Weather & Time
Fri, Jan 24, 08:22
7° C, Clear sky, clouds 0 %, wind 4.12 m/s, 1023 hpa
Head of Mission: Gonzalo de Benito Secades, Ambassador
Consulate Appointment or Contact Spanish Embassy in Tokyo : Visit only by Appointment
Visa and Passports
If you would like to come to Tureky, there's a lot of information about types of Visas. The tools help you to plan your journey to Tureky. Have look for more information about specific visa types.
Visa types granted by Spain are;
Hi, I would like to book an appointment for Spain Schengen Visa may i know how to get a appointment and how to pay visa fee . Please support!
Hi, I would like to book an appointment for the Spain Schengen Visa application on 27/28/29 December 2023. Could you please inform me the vacant time as soon as possible?
Hi, I would like to book an appointment for Spain Schengen Visa application on 10 November 2023. Please support!
Hi...I would like to book an appointment for Schengen Visa application on 14 August 2023.
Good day, i would like to make an appointment for a 10-day tourist visa to Barcelona and Alicante. May i have a phone number to make the appointment
thank you for consideration
Spanish Honorary Consulate in Nagoya, Japan
1-2-3 Meieki, Nakamura-ku
Nagoya 450-8501
(+81) 52 571 2141
(+81) 52 588 0801
Spanish Honorary Consulate in Fukuoka, Japan
Fukuoka Tenjin Centre Building
2-14-8 Tenjin, Chuo-ku
Fukuoka 810-0001
(+81) 92 712 2211
(+81) 92 713 0112
Spanish Honorary Consulate in Osaka, Japan
7F Kinki Nihon Tetsudo K.K.
6-1-55 Uehonmachi, Tennoji-ku
(+81) 6 6775 3550
(+81) 6 6775 3347
Spanish Honorary Consulate in Sapporo, Japan
9F Sigma Kita 3 jo Building
Kita 3 jo, Nishi 3, 1-5, Chuo-ku
Sapporo 060-0003
(+81) 11 219 7721
(+81) 11 219 7775
Spanish Honorary Consulate in Takamatsu, Japan
8-24 Hamano-cho
Takamatsu 760-0011, Kagawa
(+81) 87-825-1721
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